Sunday, 12 August 2012

'No Carb' Cauliflower Pizza Base

A no carb pizza??

This is the most exciting discovery I've made in food recently.

What a cool way to get an extra vegetable into your diet and miss out on the wheat. The cauliflower is riced and mixed with an egg, then baked until browned. Then it's a simple as topping with whatever you desire and either grilling or baking again until your cheese melts. It's by no means the healthiest dinner in the world, but certainly it's healthier than the traditional pizza dough. And if you wanted to do an even healthier version, you could always miss out on the cheese... Although that does sort of defeat the point.

Other than the time taken to rotate baking the bases, this is much faster than making your own pizza dough. There's no sticky washing up, either!

I won't give a recipe for topping at the moment, just the base. My pictures show a singletons pizza (used about 1 cup riced cauliflower to each egg). I used the rest of the cauliflower as mash the next day. Such a versatile vegetable!

Makes 5/6 one person pizzas

1 small/medium cauliflower
5 eggs
150g grated cheddar
5 tsps dried oregano
5 cloves garlic, crushed
1-2 tsps sea salt

Preheat your oven to 240C/gas mark 8/450F

1, If you are hand grating the cauliflower then I would suggest that it's easier to keep it whole. So after trimming the leaves and removing the stalk, grate it over a large mixing bowl.
If you own a food processor with a grating attachment, break the cauliflower into florets and process through your machine. Transfer to a large mixing bowl.
2, Break your eggs into the bowl and mix thoroughly.
3, Add the rest of your ingredients to the bowl.
4, Lightly oil some greaseproof paper and place on either a pizza stone or a heavy baking sheet.
5, Use about 2 tablespoons of mixture per pizza. Spread it out evenly to a thin layer and neaten the edges with a spatula. You need to be careful not to leave any gaps in the base or your topping with fall through.
6, Bake for about 15 minutes or until it is evenly browned.
7, Repeat this process until all the bases are cooked and you are ready to top.
8, Top with any manner of wonderful, yummy things and bake again until the cheese has melted and the pizza is warmed through, less that 10 mins.

One you've tried this you would never believe it was cauliflower. I'm not sure I'll ever want to eat a 'normal' pizza again!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Healthy Red Cabbage Coleslaw

I'm an indecisive shopper. I pick things up, put them down, stare blankly at the vegetable selection trying to decide what I'm going to cook that day. I have conversations with my fridge and cupboards.

So it was with hesitation that I decided to make coleslaw... But I'm enjoying every mouthful as I write!

This is a simple recipe, but so good for you! It couldn't be farther from commercial coleslaw if it tried. The veggies aren't dripping with mayonnaise with the calories to match, and it actually comes in at under 100 kcals for a decent bowl.

Serves 4 as a lunch/generous side

1/2 small red cabbage
2 sticks of celery
2 carrots
1 red onion
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tsp english mustard
1 tsp cider vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil
sea salt to taste

Slice the cabbage, celery and onion finely. I used my magimix to do this, making it a 5 minute job at most!
Peel and grate your carrots.
Chuck eveything in a bowl, mix well and season.

That's it!