Monday, 3 January 2011

The last mince pies

Mince pies are one of my favourite Christmas flavours. Hailing from a large family, I'm used to making serious batches - taking an entire evening up - and then finding them all demolished by the next night Not having to feed all those mouths this festive period was a little strange but I had my best friend around to help and provide camera assistance.

Two to three weeks ago I made my mincemeat up - something I've never done before.

Makes about 2kg

250g soft dark brown sugar
250ml organic dry cider
1 kg bramley apples, peeled, halved and quartered
1 tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
250g currants
250g raisins
250g cranberries
75g glace cherries, roughly chopped
75g blanched almonds,
finely chopped rind of 1 lemon
juice of 1/2 lemon
6 tbsp brandy

In large saucepan, dissolve the sugar in the cider over a gentle heat. 
Add all the ingredients, apart from brandy/rum and simmer for around 30 min until everything has a pulpy consistency. You need to stir this occasionally to make sure everything gets cooked evenly.
Remove from the heat and when it has cooled slightly stir in brandy.

If you're keeping the mixture for a while, sterilise some glass jars and spoon the mincemeat in whilst still hot. Stir it a little in the jar to get rid of any air bubbles and fill close to the top. When they've cooled slightly, top with a circle of greasproof paper.

My sweet pastry recipe never fails to impress and is so easy to do - I use a kitchenaid but have also done it by hand with not too much effort.
This quantity makes a lot of pastry - half if you are only making a small batch.

500g plain flour
200g butter
200g icing sugar
4 eggs (beaten)

Mix the butter and flour together - if doing this by hand then rub between your thumb and fingers.
Add the icing sugar and the eggs alternately and mix until it comes together.
Cover with clingfilm and leave to chill in the fridge for at least two hours.
When you're ready to bake, preheat your oven to 180C/gas mark 4.
I used a muffin tray to make my mince pies, but a smaller size would also be fine to use. Grease your tray lightly.

Dust your worksurface with icing sugar or flour, then half the pastry and roll out one half to 0.5cm thickness. Keep turning the pastry every few strokes so it is even in size and you know it's not sticking. Your strokes should have a gentle, even pressure.

Cut out bases for your pies and lay in the tray.
Put a couple of teaspoons of mincemeat in the pies, and top with another layer of pastry. This can be a cut pattern or you could cover the pie entirely. If you decide to cover the top, brush the edges of the base pastry with a little milk and press the edges of the top and bottom halves together. Make a couple of air holes in the top to let the hot air escape.

Put the pies in the oven and bake for 10-15 mins, or until slightly browned. This pastry doesn't colour much when cooked so don't wait for them to brown entirely.

Remove from the oven and dust the tops with icing sugar.

Share with family and friends, or just keep in an airtight container and devour over a few days alone!


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